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Junior Tournament Information

Tournament Entry Fee and Procedure

Tournament entries will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis for each event after the tournament entry date is open. Members will have priority for the first two weeks of each entry period before entries open to non-members. All entries must be registered online with the Junior Tour office by the stated deadline. Tournament fees vary based on tournament location and 36-hole vs. 54-hole events.

Registration is limited to the first 84 players for most Georgia PGA Junior Tour events and is on a first come first serve basis.

Refund/Withdrawal/No Show Policy

  1. Refund: The membership fee of $100 is non-refundable. Full tournament refunds less a $10 processing fee will only be granted prior to the entry deadline of each tournament. After the entry deadline, no refunds will be given.
  2. Withdrawal: A player must notify the Junior Tour office as soon as they wish to withdraw from a tournament. With most tournaments having a waiting list, it is important to notify the Junior Tour office if you are not going to play so we can fill that spot. Please email Tanner Higgins at or call (678) 461-8600 to withdraw.
  3. No Show: If a player fails to properly withdraw from an event, and does not play, it will be considered a no show, and that player is subject to a suspension from the next event in which they are registered to play. A second no show will result in suspension from the remainder of the Junior Tour calendar year schedule.

More Tournament Information

Practice Rounds

Each host golf course will manage practice rounds prior to the tournament. Practice round information will be listed on the Georgia PGA web site at and each player should contact to host golf course to set up a practice round. **This is at the discretion of the club**

Pairings/Starting Times

Pairings for all Junior Tour events will be made by random selection groups of two or three players based on age group and gender for the first round of play at each event.

For the second round, the field will be re-paired by score. Field size and number of players per age division will dictate which divisions tee off in which order.

For all events, requesting starting times or specific groupings will not be accommodated. Players will NOT be called to their tees. Each contestant is responsible for obtaining his/her starting time prior to the round. Please arrive to your starting hole at least 10 minutes prior to your scheduled tee time.

Starting times will be posted on the Georgia PGA website, Georgia PGA Junior Tour App and emailed/texted to each player. Please note the date for each tournament that Round 1 tee times will be available. This can be found on the Tournament Information page for each event on the Georgia PGA website.

Caddies and/or Carts

Caddies are not permitted at any Junior Tour event. Each player must walk and carry their clubs or use a pull cart where permitted by the host facility.

Rules of Play

USGA Rules of Golf and the Georgia PGA Rules of Play Card shall govern all play, in addition to local rules on the Notice to Competitors (Rules Sheet), which is distributed at every event. Be sure to read the Rules of Play Card in its entirety prior to your first event.

Distance measuring devices are allowed in all Georgia PGA Junior Tour events, assuming the device measures distance ONLY. If during a stipulated round, a player uses a distance measuring device to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect his play (gradient, wind-speed, etc.), the player is in breach of Rule 4.3, for which the penalty is the General Penalty for the first breach and for the second breach, the penalty is Disqualification.

Pace of Play

An average pace of play is set for each Georgia PGA Junior Tour tournament based on yardage and difficulty of each hole. According to Rule 5.6 Unreasonable Delay; Prompt Pace of Play, the player must play without undue delay and in accordance with any pace of play guidelines that the Committee may establish. Between completion of a hole and playing the next teeing ground, the player must not unduly delay play.

Each player must follow the ready golf procedures during their round.

  • When arriving to your tee shot, you must determine your yardage and be ready to play as soon as your fellow competitors hit.
  • If you are the first to hole out, you must gather your equipment and head to the next hole. The second player to hole out is responsible for picking up the flagstick while the final competitor finishes.
  • You must walk with a purpose at all times.

A player is permitted 45 seconds to play a stroke, and an extra 15 seconds (for a total of 60 seconds) will be allowed for: (a) the first player to play a stroke on a par-3; (b) the first player to play a second stroke on a par-4 or pay-5; (c) the first player to play a third stroke on a par-5; (d) the first player to play around the putting green; and (e) the first player to play on the putting green.

If any group falls behind their time par, the group will be given notice by a Georgia PGA official. The official will give the group three holes to make up the time. During this three-hole stretch, the rules official will stay with the group ensuring that time is being made up. If the group fails to make up time during the three-hole stretch, they will remain on the clock until the end of their round. If the group fails to make up the time before completing the round, they will be issued a 1 stroke penalty for undue delay.

Notification: Immediately after all of the players have left the teeing ground, but before the next shot, a Rules Official will inform a group that they are out of position and that they will be monitored and timed. It is the player’s responsibility to recognize when they have fallen out of position.

Penalties: First Breach of Round = 1 stroke penalty to each player in the group. If the group fails to make up lost time or fall back into position before the completing of play, they will be issued a 1 stroke penalty for undue delay. Penalties are to be added to the final hole of the round.

When a group will be notified: Given when a group is more than 15 minutes behind the group ahead (out of position) and over the allotted time.

  • Position: First Group(s) off Either Tee: The first group(s) will be in breach of the pace of play policy if they take more than the allotted time to finish a hole until they reach (within 15 minutes) any group ahead. After they reach any group ahead, both conditions must be met to be in breach of the pace of play policy.

Position with Group Ahead: To stay within 15 minutes of the group ahead, players should never have an open hole and they should be in the fairway on par 4’s and 5’s when the group ahead leaves the green. To remain in position, at least one player from the group must have a ball in play on the hole of the group ahead of them.

  • Allotted Time: the maximum time allowed to complete play of the course. The allotted time is predetermined by the Tournament Committee and may be adjusted between rounds. Time for ball searches, rulings and walking time between holes is included in the allotted time. The allotted time will be printed on each scorecard and posted at the first tee.
  • Timing: a group’s completion time at each hole is measured when the flagstick is replaced in the hole once all players in the group have holed out.
  • Appeals: if a player is concerned about slow play of one of their competitors they must remind that competitor of the Pace of Play Policy and encourage them to play more efficiently. The player may ask an official to monitor the group during any point of the round.

No Card

Every competitor must return a signed scorecard even if the card is marked “no card”. It is not sufficient to merely tell someone at the scoring table you are “no carding”. If you tee off, you must turn in a scorecard.

On Course Withdrawals

If a player must leave a tournament site because of illness or injury, a tournament official must be notified. Any player failing to notify a tournament official and turn in a scorecard will not be eligible to participate in their next scheduled event and no refund will be made.

Weather Policy

Completion of 18 holes by all contestants will constitute an official event for each 36-hole tournament. It is unlikely that an event will be rescheduled due to inclement weather. Refunds on player fees are subject to vary based on agreements to host facilities and how much golf was completed.

Tournament Results

Tournament results will be posted immediately following play of each round on the Junior Tour website and app. To access results please CLICK HERE, or use the Georgia PGA Junior Tour mobile app to access tournament results quickly via a mobile device. All scores will be sent to AJGA, and Junior Golf Scoreboard no later than five (5) days following the event.

Player Dress Code & Conduct

Teaching sportsmanship, etiquette and the Rules of Golf are of major importance to the Georgia PGA Junior Tour. To promote these areas and to maintain the integrity of the Junior Tour the following guidelines for dress and conduct will apply. Tournament officials will enforce these guidelines at all Junior Tour functions.

Dress Code for Player and Spectators

  1. Male shirts shall have collars and sleeves.
  2. Mock Turtle Necks are acceptable, provided they adhere to the host facility dress code.
  3. T-shirts and tank tops are not acceptable
  4. Males must have their shirts tucked in at all times
  5. Females may wear collared shirts, sleeveless shirts with a collar, or tailored T-shirts.
  6. All shorts must be golf type shorts and Bermuda length. Tennis shorts, gym shorts and blue jeans are not acceptable
  7. Clothing containing offensive slogans, languages or pictures, and references to drugs, tobacco or alcohol are not acceptable
  8. Hats shall be worn with the bill to the front.
  9. During tournaments all participants must wear golf shoes with soft spikes or tennis shoes.
  10. Any Player or Spectator not adhering to these guidelines will be asked to leave or correct the violation prior to participating.


Any conduct that is detrimental to the Junior Tour will not be tolerated, including, but not limited to the following:

  1. Throwing and or breaking clubs.
  2. Using abusive or profane language.
  3. Consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  4. Usage of tobacco products.
  5. Drug use.
  6. Gambling.
  7. Cheating.
  8. Damaging the golf course intentionally.
  9. Abuse of club facilities.
  10. Disrespect for the host facility staff, Junior Tour staff, sponsors, spectators or other players.

Any breach of the above guidelines will result in disqualification from the event where the incident occurred. You will also be disqualified from the next event in which you are entered without refund. Continued violations will result in dismissal from the Junior Tour.

Care for the Golf Course

All players are expected to maintain the golf course by repairing ball marks, raking bunkers, replacing divots, etc. Any abuse to the course or other club facilities will result in immediate disqualification. All players and parents are encouraged to thank the host club, staff, and volunteers for their support of junior golf.

Spectators are welcome and encouraged to attend tournaments. However, it is a privilege for spectators to attend and they are therefore required to conduct themselves appropriately at all times. The Georgia PGA Junior Tour reserves the right to suspend and/or ban any spectator from one or more events. Failure to comply with the Rules and Regulations may result in immediate removal from the host facility and/or suspension of playing privileges for the member. Rules for spectators are as follows:

  1. Spectator carts will be allowed at the discretion of the host facility. Information as to whether spectator carts will be allowed will be on each tournaments website.  Spectator carts must remain on the cart path at all times. Please be aware of groups in front and behind the group you are following. Cost of a spectator cart is set by the host facility. Spectator carts are not allowed to give rides to competitors at any time unless designated by the Georgia PGA Junior Tour Rules Committee. Should inclement weather force a delay in play, we ask that you please shuttle players back to the clubhouse or the nearest shelter. An immediate suspension of play is signaled by one long blast of an air horn or siren. Handicapped carts will be allowed for those who have a handicapped-parking pass at tournaments where spectator carts are not allowed.
  2. Cell Phones must be in the vibrate mode on the golf course. Spectators will be asked to return to the clubhouse if such devices are a distraction to players.
  3. Walking Spectators are asked to stay on the cart paths and 30 yards away from the players.
  4. Spectators are allowed to carry water, umbrellas, jackets, towels and food for the players.
  5. Spectators are not allowed to give advice to players. Players may be penalized for a violation under Rule 10.2 in the USGA Rules of Golf.
    “‘Advice is verbal comment or action (such as showing what club was just used to make a stroke) that is intended to influence a player in: choosing a club, making a stroke, or deciding how to play during a hole or round. But advice does not include public information, such as: the location of things on the course such as the hole, the putting green, the fairway, penalty areas, bunkers, or another player’s ball, the distance from one point to another, or the Rules.”


  • Verbal Communication
  • Hand signals to the participant, including gestures to influence player decisions.
  • Providing participant with written material.
  • Positional to assist with aim or alignment.
  • Aiding in rulings or giving rulings.

Any player seen speaking to a spectator during the play of a hole, or for any reason other than for health concerns, is subject to the General Penalty based on Rule 10.2

6. The player is responsible for the actions of their spectators.

7. Spectators may not carry a player’s golf bag and/or clubs.

8. Spectators are not permitted to walk on the fairways, tees or greens.

9. Spectators are encouraged to walk ahead of the group they are watching so as to act as a forecaddie and help spot balls. Spectators are allowed and are encouraged to assist in a search for lost golf balls. Spectators should not lag behind the participants as this can delay the group behind.

10. Spectators are asked to stay away from the players when turning in their scorecards in the scoring tent. Each player is responsible for his or her own score to be correct.

American Junior Golf Association Exemptions

The Georgia PGA is pleased to have the support of the AJGA. They recognize the Georgia PGA Junior Tour as quality competition for junior golfers. The AJGA will provide the Georgia PGA Junior Tour with Performance Stars for select events. For the latest information on AJGA exemptions, go online to

 Junior Golf Scoreboard

Each Georgia PGA Junior Tour tournament will be a ranked event by the Junior Golf Scoreboard. You can access the Junior Golf Scoreboard at

Tournament Results & Player of the Year Points

After the completion of each event, tournament results, player of the year points, and stroke average results can be seen on the Georgia PGA website at

Proud Partners of the Georgia PGA Junior Tour